How to Make Customer Visit your Restaurant more often

Do you know that “repeating customers account for at least 1/3 of your revenue”? As it is not so easy to retain existing customers, what has to be done to obtain that one-third of the revenue is the real question troubling every restaurateur. Let’s take a look at how you can make your customer visit your restaurant more often. Customer service Don’t know how many times we should stress this; if you are not prepared to improve your customer service, then no way you are going to reach heights in your business. IMPROVE YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE Customers are marketers if you don’t treat them right. All you gain is a negative word of mouth spread to their circle (which is really bad news cause you might also lose some new potential customers). On the contrary, if you happened to satisfy your customer, then they will be the brand ambassador for your restaurant. Atmosphere Ask yourself this question, “If a family who decides to spend their weekend...